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Record No.- Serial   000280376
ISSN   Link0001-0290
Title   LinkAnalytical bulletin / Academy of Sciences of PSR of Albania, Centre of Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation.: Albanian linguistics
Var. form of title   LinkAnalytical bulletin
Imprint   LinkTirana : Academy of Sciences of PSR of Albania, Centre of Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation, 1990 -.
Descr.   vols. ; 26 cm.
CurFreq.   [Unknown]
Dates Publication   Begins with: Vol. 1, no. 1 (1990)-
Lang. Note   In English.
Subject - Lib.Cong.   LinkAlbanian language -- Dialects -- Periodicals
  LinkAlbanian language -- Periodicals
  LinkAlbanian language -- Grammar -- Periodicals
  LinkIndo-European languages -- History -- Periodicals
  LinkLinguistics -- Periodicals
Subject   LinkNewspapers and periodicals -- Gennadeion Collection
Add.Entry   LinkAcademy of Sciences of PSR of Albania.. Centre of Scientific and Technical Information and Documentation.
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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