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Book Number   000286568
ISBN   Link9781118438718 (hbk.) : £120.00
Title   LinkThe Wiley Blackwell companion to patristics / edited by Ken Parry.
Imprint   LinkChichester, West Sussex : Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
Descr.   530 p. ; 25 cm.
Series   ( Wiley-Blackwell companions to religion)
Contents   Part I. Introduction. The nature and scope of patristics / Ken Parry -- Past II. Collecting the Fathers. Byzantine florilegia / Alexander Alexakis. Modern patrologies / Angelo Di Berardino -- Part III. Studies in reception history I: individual Fathers. Irenaeus of Lyons / Denis Minns. Clement of Alexandria / Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski. Origen of Aexandria / Mark Edwards. Athanasius of Alexandria / David M. Gwynn. Ephrem of Nisibis / Andrew Palmer. John Chrysostom / Wendy Mayer. Augustine of Hippo / Kazuhiko Demura. Cyril of Alexandria / Hans vqn Loon. Shenoute of Atripe / Janet Timbie. Nestorius of Constantinople / George Bevan. Dionysius the Areopagite / Istvan Perczel. Severus of Antioch / Youhanna Nessim Youssef. Gregory the Great / Bronwen Neil. Maximos the Confessor / Andrew Louth --
  John of Damascus / Vassilis Adrahtas. Gregory of Narek / Abraham Terian. Gregory Palamas / Marcus Plested -- Part IV. Studies in reception history II: collective Fathers. The Cappadocian Fathers / H. Ashley Hall. The Desert Fathers and Mothers / John Chryssavgis. The Iconophile Fathers / Vladimir Baranov -- Part V. Studies in the Fathers. Scripture and the Fathers / Paul Blowers. Hagiography of the Greek Fathers / Stephanos Erfthymiadis. Liturgies and the Fathers / Hugh Wybrew. Fathers and the Church Councils / Richard Price. The Fathers and Scholasticism / James R. Ginther. The Fathers and the Reformation / Irena Backus. The Fathers in Arabic / Alexander Treiger. The Greek of the Fathers / Klaus Bentein. The Latin of the Fathers / Carolinne White. Reimagining patristics: critical theory as a lens / Kim Haines-Eitzen
Subject - Lib.Cong.   LinkFathers of the church
Add.Entry   LinkParry, Kenneth 1945- editor
Series AE-Uni.Title   LinkWiley-Blackwell companions to religion.
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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