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Book Number   000231476
ISBN   Link9783039111749
Main Entry   LinkHugo, Wayne
Title   LinkLadders of Beauty :. hierarchical pedagogy from Plato to Dante / Wayne Hugo.
Imprint   LinkBern New York : Peter Lang, 2007.
Descr.   251 p. ; 21 cm.
Series   LinkEuropean university studies. Series XI, Education = Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XI, Pädagogik ;ISSN:0531-7398 ; v. 943
Bibliogr.   Includes bibliographical references (p. 239-245) and index.
Contents   1. Introduction --- 2. Plato. Opening -- The ladder of Beauty -- The Phaedron charioteer -- The cave metaphor -- Disintegration of the soul -- Closing -- Postscript --- 3. Augustine. Opening -- Confessions of a learning soul -- Journey of the Alone into the Trinity -- Closing -- Postscript --- Abelard. Opening -- The calamities of Abelard -- The tragic love of Heloise -- The attempted education of Heloise -- The transcendent love and wrath of Bernard -- Closing -- Postcript --- 5. Dante. Opening -- Inferno -- Purgatorio -- Padadiso -- Closing -- Postscript.
Subject - Lib.Cong.   LinkEducation -- Philosophy -- History
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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