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Results for Words= gen0820; Sorted by: Title, then Year
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Records 1 - 30 of 173 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Series Year Lib/Items
Clement I, Pope. author. 1 Clement :. a reader’s edition / Theodore A. Bergren.
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Lev, Yaacov,. author. The administration of justice in medieval Egypt :. from the seventh to the twelfth century / Yaa Edinburgh studies in classical Islamic history 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Grivot, Denis Aimer l’art roman en Bourgogne / Denis Grivot.
1986 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Will, Robert Alsace romane / Introduction de Hans Hang ; Texte et plans de Robert Will ; Photos inedites de Z La nuit des temps 22 1965 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Azadpur, Mohammad. author. Analytic philosophy and Avicenna :. knowing the unknown / Mohammad Azadpur. Routledge studies in Islamic philosophy 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Dumbravæa, Daniela editor. André Scrima: expérience spirituelle et langage théologique :. actes du colloque de Rome, 29- Orientalia Christiana analecta 1590-7449 306 2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Daras, Charles Angoumois roman / Photos inédites de Pierre Belzeaux ; Traduction anglaise de Pamela Clarke ; T La Nuit des temps 14 1961 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Herbecourt, Pierre d’, 1904-1978 Anjou roman / Pierre d’Herbécourt [et] Jean Porcher ; Photos inédites de R.G. Phelipeaux et P. La Nuit des temps 9 1959 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Urushadze, Venera compiler Anthology of Georgian poetry / Translated by Venera Urushadze ; Edited with an introduction by M
1958 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Dimier, Anselme, 1898-1975 L’art cistercien, France / [par] M. Anselme Dimier [et] Jean Porcher ; Photos inédites de P. Be La Nuit des temps 16 1962 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Varagnac, André L’art gaulois / [par] André Varagnac [et] Gabrielle Fabre, avec le concours de Monique Mainjone La Nuit des temps 4 1964 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Henry, Françoise L’art irlandais / Françoise Henry ; photographies inédites de Pierre Belzeaux. La nuit des temps 18-20 1963 Gennadius Library( 6/ 0)
Anker, Peter L’art scandinave / Peter Anker. La nuit des temps 28-29 1968 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Craplet, Chanoine Bernard Auvergne romane :. photos inédites de Gérard Franceschi. La Nuit des temps 2 1958 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Kaplan, Robert D.,, 1952- Balkan ghosts :. a journey through history / Robert D. Kaplan. Vintage departures 1994 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Newman, Bernard, 1897- Balkans :. horizons d’hier et d’aujourd’hui / Bernard Newman ; traduit de l’anglais.
1946 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Paša, Željko, editor. Between the cross and the crescent :. studies in honor of Samir Khalil Samir, S.J. on the occasi Orientalia Christiana analecta 1590-7449 ; 304 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Associazione italiana di studi bizantini. Bisanzio nello spazio e nel tempo :. Costantinopoli, la Siria : atti della XIV Giornata di studi Orientalia Christiana analecta 1590-7449 ; 307 2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Belke, Klaus, 1947-. author Bithynien und Hellespont :. mit 325 Abbildungen auf Tafeln, einer Karte im Text, zwei Karten auf Tabula Imperii byzantini Bd. 13 2020 Blegen Library( 2/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Baudry, Jean author Bourgogne romane / [par] Jean Baudry [and others]. La Nuit des temps 1 1958 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Καβάφης, Κωνσταντίνος Π., 1863-1933 C. P. Cavafy :. the poems of the canon / translated by John Chioles. Harvard Early Modern and Modern Greek Library. 2011 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Attar, Farid al-Din,, -approximately 1230,. author The Canticle of the Birds :. illustrated in Eastern Islamic paintings / Farid al-Din Attar ; edi
2013 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Mascitelli, Barbara, 1993-. author. La carenza di libertà di stampa e l’impatto sulle relazioni internazionali :. il caso della Tur
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Rodríguez, Abundio Castille romane / [par] Abundio Rodríguez [et] Luis-Maria de Lojendio ; Photos inédites de Zod La nuit de temps 23, 24 1966 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Kogman-Appel, Katrin. author. Catalan maps and Jewish books :. the intellectuel profile of Elisha Ben Abraham Cresques (1325-1 Terrarum orbis, 1371-4775 15 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Junyent, Eduardo Catalogne romane / Préface de Jean Ainaud de Lasarte ; Photos inédites de Jean Dieuzaide. La Nuit des temps 12-13 1960 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Hawk-Reinhard, Donna R. Christian identity formation according to Cyril of Jerusalem :. Sacramental ’theosis’ as a means Studia Patristica. Supplements 8 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Snyder, H. Gregory, 1959- editor. Christian teachers in second-century Rome :. schools and students in the ancient city / edited b Vigiliae Christianae, supplements 0920-623X ;  2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Solms, Elisabeth de. translator Christs romans ... Les points cardinaux 8, 14 1963 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Cook, David, 1966- translator. Chronicles of Qalāwūn and his son al-Ashraf Khalīl / translated by David Cook. Crusade texts in translation 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)

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