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Book Number   000236417
ISBN   Link9782503523194
Main Entry   LinkRhijn, Carine van
Title   LinkShepherds of the Lord :. priests and episcopal statutes in the Carolingian period / Carine van Rhijh.
Imprint   LinkTurnhout : Brepols, 2007.
Descr.   viii, 246 p. ; 25 cm.
Series   LinkCultural encounters in late antiquity and the Middle Ages ; v. 6
Bibliogr.   Includes bibliographical references.
Subject - Lib.Cong.   LinkPriesthood -- History -- Middle Ages, 600-1500
  LinkPriests -- Europe -- History
  LinkEurope -- Church history -- 600-1500
  LinkEcclesiastical law -- Europe -- History
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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