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Book Number   000310199
ISBN   Link9781474450263 hardcover
  Link1474450261 hardcover
Title   LinkTurkey’s necropolitical laboratory :. democracy, violence and resistance / edited by Banu Bargu.
Imprint   LinkEdinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2019].
Descr.   xiv, 280 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Bibliogr.   Includes bibliographical references and index.
Abstract   A critical and multidisciplinary analysis of role of violence and death under Turkish democracy This book makes a strong case that Turkey’s regime is largely dependent on a necropolitical undercurrent. Building on the insights of critical and contemporary theory, these essays address the multiple ways in which lives are controlled through the mechanisms of physical destruction, structural violence and exposure. These necropolitical processes produce new forms of disposability, impoverishment, inequality and vulnerability.
Subject - Lib.Cong.   LinkTurkey -- Politics and government -- 1980-
  LinkPower (Social sciences) -- Turkey.
  LinkPolitical violence -- Turkey.
Add.Entry   LinkBargu, Banu, editor.
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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