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Records 1 - 30 of 203 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Series Year Lib/Items
Aegidius, a Cesaro. author Apologiae F. Aegidii a Cesaro, Ord. Min. S. Francisci Conu. Mission. in Romania, in Catalatinon
1678 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Apocalypse of Peter (Coptic version). The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter (Nag-Hammadi-Codex VII, 3) / edited by Henriette W. Havelaar. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der al 1999 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Bardi, P. M. (Pietro Maria), 1900-1999,. author. Ταξίδι στην Ελλάδα :. αρχιτεκτονική και πολιτική στη
2016 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Baud-Bovy, Samuel, 1906-1986 Journal du Dodécanèse (1930-1931) = / Samuel Baud-Bovy = Ημερολόγιο Δωδεκανή
2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Bezhani, Petrit, editor Kumtesat e ceremonisë së promovimit të botimit :. "Çështja e paqenë e detit : një intrig
2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Bible Apostelgeschichte, 1, 1-15, 3 im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen <Codex Glazier> / her Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des al 1991 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Binggeli, André,. author. Catalogue des manuscrits conservés dans la Bibliothèque du Patriarcat ÷cuménique.: Les manus Transmission des Textes: Catalogues 2019 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Boissonnas, Frédéric, 1858-1946 Δύο ταξίδια, 1913 & 1919 / F. Boissonnas - D. Baud-Bovy ; εισαγωγή, Ματθί Αφέλια 6. 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Böwering, Gerhard, 1939- honouree. Light upon light: essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard Bowering / edited by Islamic history and civilization 0929-2403 vol 2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Brock, Sebastian P., translator, writer of added commentary. The people & the peoples :. Syriac dialogue poems from late antiquity / [translator and commenta Journal of Jewish studies supplement series 3 2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cerami, Carola,. author. Turchia e Guerra fredda :. il "cambio di metodo" e la transizione degli anni Settanta (1973-1980 Collana del Centro interuniversitario Machiave 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cesaretti, Paolo. author. Testo agiografico e orizzonte visivo :. ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (B Testi e studi bizantino-neoellenici XX 2016 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Convegno Nel primo centenario della battaglia di Caporetto Nel primo centenario della battaglia di Caporetto / a cura di Pier Luigi Ballini e Sandro G. Fra Biblioteca luzzattiana 21 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Σταμπολίδης, Νικόλαος Χρ. editor Κρήτη :. Αναδυόμενες πόλεις: Άπτερα, Ελεύθερνα, Κνωσό
2018 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 2/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
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Cukani, Entela,. author. Quel che resta dello Stato :. Il differenziale, territoriale e non, delle autonomie nei Balcani Collana del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Didache. Die Lehre der zwölf Apostel, :. nebst Untersuchungen zur ältesten Geschichte der Kirchenverfas Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der al 1991 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Doran, Robert, 1940- The lives of Simeon Stylites / translated, with an introduction, by Robert Doran ; foreword by S Cistercian studies series ; no. 112 1992 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)

Cent ans après :. la mémoire de la Première Guerre Mondiale / sous la direction de Elli Lemon Mondes Méditerranéens et Balkaniques 1792-07 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Economic history of Byzantium. Οικονομική ιστορία του Βυζαντίου :. από τον 7ο έως τον
2010 Gennadius Library( 3/ 0)
Elsie, Robert,, 1950-2017. author. The Albanian Bektashi :. history and culture of a Dervish order in the Balkans / Robert Elsie.
2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Euripides Ευριπίδης =. Evripidis tragoediae / ex recensione Augusti Nauckii. Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum 1866 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Frangouli, Isabella The Athens centre :. images 1969-2019 / [photography by Isabella Frangouli, Katerina Zafeiri, Ya
2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Fredriksen, Paula,. author. When Christians were Jews :. the first generation / Paula Fredriksen.
2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Georgopoulou, Maria 1961- The Joannes Gennadius Maltese treasure trove in Athens / with contributions by Arnodl Cassola, G
2019 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Georgopoulou, Maria 1961- Ottoman Athens :. archaeology, topography, history / edited by Maria Georgopoulou and Konstantin
2019 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Gibson, Samuel (Samuel James),. author. The Apostolos :. the acts and epistles in Byzantine liturgical manuscripts / Samuel Gibson. Texts and studies, 1935-6927 ; 18 2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Gordon, Thomas, 1788-1841. author. Ιστορία της Ελληνικής Επαναστάσεως και των συναφών
2017 British School Library( 3/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 3/ 0)
Greece Αναστήλωση ανατολικού τμήματος κάστρου Ανδρούσας :. 
2015 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Grierson, Philip. Βυζαντινή νομισματοκοπία / Philip Grierson ; μετάφραση, Βαγγ
2018 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Harnack, Adolf von,, 1851-1930. Die Überlieferung der griechischen Apologeten des zweiten Jahrhunderts in der alten Kirche und Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der al 1991 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)

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