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Book Number   000314304
ISBN   Link9783319692029
  Link9783319692036 (eBook)
Main Entry   LinkGoldwyn, Adam J.,. author.
Title   LinkByzantine ecocriticism :. women, nature, and power in the medieval Greek romance / Adam J. Goldwyn.
Var. form of title   LinkWomen, nature, and power in the medieval Greek romance
Imprint   LinkCham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2018].
Descr.   xv, 240 pages ; 22 cm.
Series   ( The New Middle Ages)
Bibliogr.   Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents   Byzantine studies in an age of environmental crisis -- Zoomorphic and anthomorphic metaphors in the "proto-romance" Digenis Akritis -- Rape, consent, and ecofeminist narratology in the Komnenian novels -- Witches and nature control in the Palaiologan romances and beyond -- Byzantine posthumanism : autopoiesis, sympoiesis, and making kin in the gardens of romance.
Abstract   "Byzantine Ecocriticism: Women, Nature, and Power in the Medieval Greek Romance applies literary ecocriticism to the imaginative fiction of the Greek world from the twelfth to fifteenth centuries. Through analyses of hunting, gardening, bride-stealing, and warfare, Byzantine Ecocriticism exposes the attitudes and behaviors that justified human control over women, nature, and animals; the means by which such control was exerted; and the anxieties surrounding its limits. Adam Goldwyn thus demonstrates the ways in which intersectional ecocriticism, feminism, and posthumanism can be applied to medieval texts, and illustrates how the legacies of medieval and Byzantine environmental practice and ideology continue to be relevant to contemporary ecological and environmental concerns."--Back cover.
Subject - Lib.Cong.   LinkRomances, Byzantine -- History and criticism.
  LinkWomen in literature.
  LinkNature in literature.
Series AE-Uni.Title   LinkNew Middle Ages (Palgrave Macmillan (Firm))
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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