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Book Number   000314298
ISBN   Link0199599823
Main Entry   LinkApollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, -approximately 390.
Title   LinkApollinaris of Laodicea :. metaphrasis psalmorum / edited and translated by Andrew Faulkner.
Imprint   LinkNew York, N.Y. : Oxford University Press, 2020.
Descr.   x, 473 pages ; 24 cm.
Contents   Authorship and date -- Biblical paraphrase in context -- Poetic tradition, periphrastic technique, and Biblical exegesis -- Text and translation.
Abstract   This book is the first large-scale study of the ’Metaphrasis Psalmorum’ since the middle of the twentieth century. It provides a revised critical text and complete modern translation of the poem, as well as an extensive introduction, which explores in detail critical questions such as authorship and the poet’s engagement with early Christian exegesis. On the basis of a thorough re-examination of the poem’s theology, its relationship to other late antique poetry, and relevant external evidence, it is argued, contrary to received opinion, that the ’Metaphrasis Psalmorum’ is a genuine work of Apollinaris of Laodicea, the influential if controversial bishop of the 4th century. It is also demonstrated that the poet interacts in a more wide-reaching and intentional way with early Christian exegesis on the Psalms than has previously been recognized, including the exegesis of Origen’s newly discovered Homilies on the Psalms. 0The introduction includes broader discussion of the tradition of early Christian classicizing poetry, the poet’s engagement with the Hellenic tradition, and his paraphrastic technique. The revised text and translation make more accessible a poorly known and understudied poem, which is nevertheless a major and important poetic work of late antiquity. The book aims to promote greater awareness of the ’Metaphrasis Psalmorum’ and act as a catalyst for future work on the paraphrase.
Per.Sub.   LinkApollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea
Title Sub.   LinkBible Psalms Greek
  LinkBible Psalms -- Paraphrases
Add.Entry   LinkFaulkner, Andrew editor.
  LinkApollinaris Bishop of Laodicea. paraphrase of Psalms.
Holdings   All items
holdings (2)   Gennadius LibraryLibrary Info
Holdings (5)   Only filtered items

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