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Results for Words= gen1212; Sorted by: 03---A01---A
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Records 1 - 30 of 112 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Series Year Lib/Items
Gatto, Alfonso 24 μύθοι ρωμαϊκού δικαίου / Alfonso Gatto.
2009 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Rognoni, Cristina Les actes privés grecs de l’Archivo Ducal de Medinaceli (Tolède). Textes, documents, études sur le monde byzant 2004 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Bedke, Andreas Anthropologie als Mosaik :. die Aufnahme antiker Philosophie durch Gregor von Nyssa in seine Sch Orbis antiquus Bd. 45 2012 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Mee, Erin B. Antigone on the contemporary world stage / edited by Erin B. Mee and Helene P. Foley. Classical presences 2011 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Albarrán Martínez, María Jesús. Ascetismo y monasterios femeninos en el Egipto tardoantiguo :. estudio de papiros y ostraca grie Subsidia monastica 23 2011 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Nisula, Timo. Augustine and the functions of concupiscence / by Timo Nisula. Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 0920-623X 2012 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Lavermicocca, Nino, 1942- Boemondo e Costantinopoli :. il sogno di un guerriero / Nino Lavermicocca.
2011 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Penkova, Biserka. Boianskata tsŭrkva mezhdu iztoka i zapada v izkustvoto na khristiianska Evropa / pod redaktsiia
2011 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Mathews, Thomas F. Byzantium :. from antiquity to the Renaissance / Thomas F. Mathews.
2010 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Roilos, Panagiotis, 1969- C.P. Cavafy :. the economics of metonymy / Panagiotis Roilos. Traditions 2009 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Taliaferro, Charles. The Cambridge companion to Christian philosophical theology / edited by Charles Taliaferro, Chad Cambridge companions to religion 2010 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cunningham, Mary. The Cambridge companion to Orthodox Christian theology / edited by Mary B. Cunningham and Elizab Cambridge companions to religion 2008 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Leto, Maria Rita. Il capolavoro imperfetto :. forme narrative e percorsi culturali in Vita e avventure di Dositej Domini. Monografie del Dipartimento di scienze 2011 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Kaldellis, Anthony The Christian Parthenon :. classicism and pilgrimage in Byzantine Athens / Anthony Kaldellis.
2009 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Abney-Hastings, Maurice Commander of the Karteria :. honoured in Greece, unknown at home / Maurice Abney-Hastings.
2011 British School Library( 2/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Drapac, Vesna, 1958- Constructing Yugoslavia :. a transnational history / Vesna Drapac. European studies series 2010 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Mugridge, Rebecca, 1963- Cooperative cataloging :. shared effort for the benefit of all / edited by Rebecca L. Mugridge.
2012 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Baron, Hans, 1900-1988 The crisis of the early Italian Renaissance :. civic humanism and republican liberty in an age o
1966 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Toscano, Bruno 1930- Dal visibile all’indicibile :. crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno / a cura di Uomini e mondi medievali 33 2012 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Pignataro, Luca, 1973- Il Dodecaneso italiano, 1912-1947 / Luca Pignataro. I diamanti 6 2011 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Van Duzer, Chet A., 1966- Duality and structure in the Iliad and Odyssey / Chet A. Van Duzer. Lang classical studies 0891-4087 v. 8 1996 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Pavlikianov, Cyril. The early years of the Bulgarian Athonite monastery of Zographou (980-1279) and its Byzantine ar
2011 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Simon, Dieter, 1935- Eherecht und Familiengut in Antike und Mittelalter / herausgegeben von Dieter Simon. Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Kolloquien 1992 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Caykara, Emine, 1964- Emanet golge :. Yeni Zelanda’dan Gelibolu’ya 1915 = The entrusted shadow : from New Zealand to G Everest 475 2007 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Ferrara, Antonio, 1980- L’età delle migrazioni forzate :. esodi e deportazioni in Europa, 1853-1953 / Antonio Ferrara, Biblioteca storica 2012 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Timm, Stefan. Eusebius und die Heilige Schrift :. die Schriftvorlagen des Onomastikons der biblischen Ortsname Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der al 2010 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Alonge, Roberto. Fedra :. un millenario mito maschile / Roberto Alonge, Francesco Carpanelli. Studio DAMS 3 2010 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Donà, Massimo. Figure d’Occidente :. Platone, Nietzsche e Heidegger / Massimo Donà, Carlo Sini, Salvatore Nato Studi ; 12 2009 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Van Duzer, Chet A., 1966- Floating islands :. a global bibliography : with an edition and translation of G.C. Munz’s Exerc
2004 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Eyuboglu, Hughette, 1940- From the steeple to the minaret :. living under the shadow of two cultures / Hughette Eyuboglu. Citlembik publications 51 2004 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)

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